Monday, July 02, 2012

Little League "Pitch, Bat and Run" Competition:

Connor was the winner in his Little League area in order to qualify for the competition at Angels Stadium


                                                         Connor with Mom and Dad
                                                        Rob, Connor, Joanna and Dillon

                                                                  Dillon and Joanna
                                                                   Rob and Connor
                                                          Connor -- I call him "slugger"
                                                    Angels Stadium never looked better.

                                                             Connor's Aunt Carole
                                          The competition is ready to begin

                                           Connor is ready to take his turn
                                     Connor takes his turn throwing strikes

                                                  Connor running the bases
                     Connor's Second Place Plaque -- Congratulations!

                                             Dillon, age 11 and Connor, almost 13 (July 29)

                                                                 Carole and Joanna

                          Dillon and Connor

                                                             Arthur (Grampa) with Dillon