Early this morning, Connor came up to show me his dragon that he had built all by himself. I told him it looked great and that we would have to take a picture so that Grandma could see it. We took pictures and then Connor asked me, "Can you write on the picture?" I told him I could, and he told me what he wanted to say and here it is.

Dear Arthur, Thank you so much for the pictures of Connor and his Lego Dragon! Making it was a big achievement. I am so sorry we are unable to travel and had to miss his 7th birthday. I really wish we could have been there.
A message to Connor...you appear to be growing up into quite a nice, talented (and handsome) young man.
With All Our Love,
Hey Connor,
Your Dragon seriously rocks!! I'm 40 and I still love Lego!!
Angi (a blogger in MI.)
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